Internet Be vigilant, email transfer scams are on the rise

The national gendarmerie and Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau warned the public on Friday against false transfer orders transmitted via hacked email addresses.

“The gendarmerie investigators, as well as the Paris public prosecutor’s office, call (…) for the greatest vigilance and advise against the payment of invoices which would be sent by email before having checked their validity with the issuer”, they write in a press release.

Complaint in Colmar

Laure Beccuau details the investigation carried out since mid-December by the cybercrime section of the Paris prosecutor’s office after a complaint filed last month in Colmar.

The latter denounced a scam by false transfer order committed after the hacking of an email address which made it possible to collect detailed information.

A file full of Orange addresses

Gendarmerie investigators “seized files which ultimately contained more than a thousand active Orange email addresses likely to have been scammed”, specifies the prosecution.

According to the latter and the gendarmerie, the Orange company has “removed the redirections from these mailboxes and set up a dedicated cell which contacts the customers concerned in order to support them. »

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