Internet is great: he blows up his Tesla with dynamite rather than replacing the battery

Thibaut keutchayan

December 28, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.


Tesla Model S explosion © © DR

The last seconds of this Model S’s life before its final disappearance … © Pommijätkät

Finland may well be the center of attention at the end of the year to house Santa Claus and his reindeer colony, it is for a less complimentary reason that the country recently found itself in the web headlines. .

Indeed, a holder of Tesla Model S simply decided to detonate his vehicle and immortalize it in a video posted on YouTube.

Originally, a Tesla Model S as white as Finnish snow

It could have been a most mundane winter in what appears to be Jyväskylä, an out-of-the-way community 270 kilometers north of Helsinki, Finland. A snow-covered forest, wooden houses, but also… a Tesla, Model S what’s more. This unusual story is star Tuomas Katainen, the owner of this vehicle dating from 2013. After having traveled a little more than 1,500 kilometers without incident, according to his statements, the purchaser of this Tesla saw an error code appear on his vehicle. car, meaning the battery was defective.

This problem would not have been a problem for many owners of Model S or X, whose warranty is guaranteed for eight years. But, with its nine years of service, the Katainen Model S was no longer covered, which would have resulted in potential costs valued at over US $ 22,000 for a car valued at US $ 35,000, all with the Tesla’s potential repair approval. So, rather than having it repaired, the latter’s anger turned into explosive will.

Associated with the local group Pommijätkät, known for its videos of exploding vehicles in slow motion, Tuomas Katainen thus decided to reduce his Tesla to pieces using a total of 30 kg of sticks of dynamite. However, not all was sacrificed in this carnage, since the most expensive parts of the vehicle, such as the faulty battery pack and the engine, had previously been removed.

A mannequin with the effigy of Elon Musk takes place on board

In order to add action to his video, Pommijätkät had a mannequin added on board who, with his face partially hidden under a motorcycle helmet, reminds that of Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla. The latter’s “body” was first ejected from the top of a helicopter about fifteen meters above the ground, before being transferred to the driver’s seat of Katainen’s Tesla.

You can find the entire sequence in the video above, already seen more than 4.7 million times. Katainen said in particular: “ I might be the first to blow up a Tesla. This may be a new page of written history. “An operation, of course, not to be repeated at home, under penalty of a heart attack from your banker.

Source: Electrek

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