INTERVIEW. Alexandra Naoum (Tomorrow belongs to us): “I did not ask from the soap opera”

Tragedy in Sète in Tomorrow belongs to us: poisoned on the day of her marriage to Bart, Louise dies suddenly. Interviewed by Télé Star, Alexandra Naoum comments on the disastrous fate of her character…

Télé Star: Did you know that Louise was going to die in tomorrow belongs to us ?

Alexandra Naoum : Yes, I was told that before I received the script. I had lunch with one of the producers who had told me about it beforehand. I knew the details while reading, but I already knew the outcome and the plot of the arch.

What are the reasons for your leaving DNA ?

I see a lot of people asking this question. I did not ask from the serial. I think my release was planned for scriptwriting reasons and to create a twist. It was to create a strong plot and I feel like it worked (laughs)

How did you experience this decision?

I wasn’t at all bitter because when you work on a daily job, you know it’s part of the game. Since I arrived, I’ve seen new people join us and old people leave! I know that there is a turnover and that it was quite possible that it happened to Louise at one time or another. When I found out, I just thought “Ah ok, it’s now. I’m going to take advantage of the months I have left to shoot.” I was also happy to have an end like that because we will remember it! It was super fun to play, it was grandiose in this setting, with this wedding… There was everything for a beautiful drama.

Is this truly your farewell to DNA ?

Yes, Louise is indeed dead (laughs)

Do you know who Louise’s killer is?

I know… but I can’t tell you!

What will you miss the most?

The teams. This kind of series has a team spirit because month after month, we find the same people. We create links and it’s very pleasant in this job. Afterwards, it is part of our profession to change projects.

How did you get along with Hector Langevin (Bart), will you miss him?

I got along well with him and fortunately because I shot the most alongside him. I’m happy to have started and finished with him because the last sequence I shot was the one where Bart told Louise that he would like to have a child with her. It was a beautiful love sequence and it was nice to end up together. I thought the circle was complete, I was happy to finish filming with him.

What was your relationship with Christophe Bedes (Aurélien) and Maria Bernal (Mathilde)?

My babies… I got along very well with them too. In real life, I don’t have any children yet so I suddenly found myself with teenagers… I immediately fell in love with them. We arrived together on our first day in Sète. We were taken around the studios and introduced people… We were the new little family, we bonded quite quickly.

What would you like to say to the fans and teams of DNA ?

A big thank you to all. It’s not just actors, there are hundreds of people working behind it. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to work with them. I know the world is small and that we will meet again. And to the public, thank you too because it is thanks to him that we have the chance to work day after day. Thank you for your loyalty and kindness.


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