Interview with Lena Gercke: More private than ever!

Lena Gercke speaks more openly than ever about her life as a mother, model and company boss – and she reveals what keeps her family together.

The large industrial elevator stops on the third floor of the luxuriously renovated old Berlin building in Prenzlauer Berg. Lena Gercke, 35, comes towards us beaming in a vegan leather outfit. She holds her daughter Lia, who is now three months old, in her arms and looks lovingly at the little one. Around 40 employees from Lena’s fashion label LeGer meanwhile scurry through the spacious office floor. When our interview is about to start at the large conference table and the coffee is being poured, Lia demands her rights: her mom begins to breastfeed her.

Nobody could have guessed how colorful and successful Lena Gercke’s life is today when she won the first season of “Germany’s Next Top Model”. Lena used the momentum of the casting show for the greatest career among all former candidates. In the meantime, she not only models and presents, but at the age of 35 is also the boss of her own company. In GALA she tells how she manages her everyday life as a mother of two and an entrepreneur.

Lena Gercke in the big GALA interview

GALA: It’s hard to believe, you look so young – but you were discovered as a model in 2006.
It feels like half a century. (laughs) When I was 17, I stumbled into the modeling and fashion business through “GNTM”. It’s really a miracle for me that I’m still allowed to work there today.

What was different then than today?
It starts with the fact that I slept in the hotel more often than at home. I was in Milan, Paris, London, I commuted between Madrid and New York for a long time, I was just on the road.

How did the desire to build something of your own come about?
I didn’t want to just work for other people anymore. So I founded my first own company. My family supported my idea, my father was also an entrepreneur.

In 2018 he passed away. What did you learn from him?
That you don’t have to be bossy to run a business. He’s always done what he enjoys. And he rarely adapted – I thought that was admirable.

What will you tell your daughters Zoe and Lia later about grandpa?
I wish they could have met him! I don’t think he ever really imagined that I would ever have children. Me who is just on the go, traveling from one job to the next. Now I can only tell them about him, his wit – and how close to nature he was.

The model trusts her intuition in all decisions

Are you more of a head person or a gut person?
Let’s put it this way: I have a great, healthy inner trust in what I do. Some people might say I’m a bit naive.

But female intuition is the most powerful asset we women possess.

I started to really get to know myself in my early to mid 20s while living in New York. What I quickly found out: As soon as I stayed true to myself in my decisions, everything always worked. Everyone has their weaknesses and I make mistakes too. But I also have the strength to admit that to myself – and that’s how everything always turned out well.

What were you like before?
I was more the shy type, also anxious, didn’t have that much self-confidence. Still, I always believed that everything would be fine. That is still the case today. But every time I left my comfort zone, it got me further and something bigger came into being. Acting instead of just reacting – that makes the difference. I am grateful for experiences in my life. I deliberately do not say “hurdles”.

Can you give an example?
My modeling agency in New York always wanted me to move to New York entirely. I said no. I didn’t want to give up Germany, it’s my homeland. And I need this home environment in which I have the feeling: I can do it with them. I need all my employees because they can all do something that I just can’t deliver. (laughs)

How are you as a boss?
In my company, I see myself as a member of a family in which I am a kind of idea generator. I want us all to have fun here too.

Lena Gercke: This is how her life changed because of her children

A lot has certainly changed since you became a double mum.
Much? Everything! I’m doing more home office at the moment. Sometimes there are funny situations. I was recently in a business plan video call. three men and me I also breastfeed during my meetings, but then the camera is off. When I burp, I turn them back on.

And suddenly I notice my white shirt turning green and yellow. I see it on my screen but don’t even check it. You guessed it: Unfortunately, Lia’s diaper was full. Luckily the gentlemen didn’t notice anything.

And how did it go from there?
I just handed Lia over to Dustin. It was just an important meeting.

How do you manage family life with Dustin?
We take turns and try to create space for each other. If one says, “Hey, look, I have a super long meeting today, I can’t reschedule this” – then the other tries to step in. Luckily we have good support, a nanny and also grandmas and grandpas, that helps a lot.

How has your relationship with your boyfriend changed since you became a parent?
Extreme. It’s a stress test, you reach your personal limits. It does something to you and to the relationship. Either you become a good team – or the relationship fails. I’m very happy that we’ve become a damn good team.

How did you manage that?
The most important thing is not to weigh everything in gold and not to constantly measure who does the most for whom. Communication is the be-all and end-all here. And if you just hug each other in between to show: I’m here for you.

What is your everyday life like today?
We get up early. Well, I get up very early right now, usually between three and six o’clock. Dustin and Zoe can sleep a little longer. When I’ve finished Lia, I try to work a few hours a day and just take her with me. And when the kids are in bed, there’s either a bit of work to do or just everything else that happens at home. Or we can discuss what’s coming up in the next few days and weeks. And we maintain rituals. When eating together, there is no mobile phone on the table.

This is how daughter Zoe conceived her sibling

How is Zoe doing as a big sister?
She had to grow into this role first. Having a sibling is not easy for every child.

It was difficult for Zoe in the beginning and that means it was difficult for us as parents too. It took a lot of time and a lot of patience and love.

Now the two sisters are getting closer and the love grows every day.

What do you wish for your daughters?
That they become self-confident women who can say what they want and don’t want. It is important to me that they learn to be able to talk about their feelings. You need that in your partnership and also with your children. Zoe came up to me recently and asked me, “Are you happy mom?” She has total sensors and sensed that it probably wasn’t the case right now.

What was going on?
It was just a busy day. I wasn’t sad at all, just stressed. Everyone knows that. We’re not robots.

Then what did you say to Zoe?
Exactly that: that there are also such days and we are all only human.

How does Dustin deal with three women in one household?
Dustin loves this, he loves us all. He always says we are his “girls”.

Would you like to have a son?
Why not? Maybe someday we’ll get one. I leave everything open. I generally like to let things come to me.

This is how the model imagines her future life

Do you want to get married too?
We haven’t thought about that yet. We have a modern relationship, completely at eye level.

You could actually sit back and relax with everything you’ve built up.
To be honest, that wouldn’t be enough for me. I love my family and my children. But I also like going to work and I try to reconcile both.

What is more important to you now than it used to be?
What comes to my mind first: I can let go better today. Traveling is perhaps less important to me, although it was and is my great passion. For our standards, we still travel relatively often. Dustin and I try to give our children as many happy memories as possible.


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