IQ test: How many triangles can you count in this picture?

Search image
There are lots of triangles hidden here – can you discover them all?

It’s really damn difficult to find all the triangles here.

Sure, this figure obviously consists of a few triangles – but only particularly experienced search image professionals can really find all 35 of them.

Actually, this search picture isn’t that difficult at first glance: there are really a lot of triangles to see here. But as soon as you start counting them all, it quickly becomes difficult, because tracking down absolutely all the hidden triangles is a difficult task even for experienced hidden object professionals.

Can you count all the triangles?

© BRIGITTE / Brigitte

Take a moment and look closely at the figure – you may soon see the triangles, which are less obvious. And take comfort if you can’t discover them all, because very few people actually manage to do that. In the video you can see the resolution where they are all hidden!


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