Iran: 9 dead in a new clash in the Southeast between armed men and Guardians

Nine people were killed, including three members of Iranian forces, in another clash with “armed criminalsIn the province of Sistan-Balochistan in the south-east of the country, said the Revolutionary Guards, the ideological army of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Six armed criminals killed and five injured in intense clashIn Sistan-Balochistan province, Sepah News, the Guardians’ official website, said in a statement on Saturday.

Three local fighters died as martyrs in the clash, which took place near a village“, In the center of the province, it is added in the text, without further details.

The Guards said on Friday they had killed three people involved in the deaths of two of their members on December 25 in the same region.

Bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan, Sistan-Balochistan is a deprived region, frequent scene of attacks or clashes between security forces and armed groups.

The violence is often linked to smuggling, or clashes involving separatists from the Baloch minority or jihadist groups active in the region, which Tehran says are supported by Pakistan.

On November 18, the official Irna news agency reported the deaths of three members of the security forces, killed in clashes with “criminalsIn Sistan-Balochistan. In July, four members of the Revolutionary Guards were killed there in clashes with armed men.

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