Iran: Candidates for presidential election in Iran

On Saturday, the last day for registration, a favorite trio – a reformer, a conservative and an archconservative – officially registered for the election at the Interior Ministry in Tehran. President Hassan Ruhani is no longer allowed to run after two terms in office.

Vice President Eshagh Dschahangiri applied from the government camp. He is considered a reserve candidate because the reformers around Ruhani actually wanted to send Foreign Minister Mohammed Jawad Sarif into the race as the top candidate. However, the 61-year-old canceled, as did the head of the Iranian nuclear authority, Ali Akbar Salehi, as Sarif’s alternative. All that was left was Jahangiri, who for a long time was one of the most popular politicians in the country. But as Vice President, the 64-year-old has taken an overly conservative course over the past three years. In doing so, he disappointed many reform supporters.