Irish Pubs boss: – “The action on Rudolfskai was surprising”

Kurt Ranzenberger, head of the two Irish pubs O’Malley’s and Shamrock, on the city’s decision to redesign the Rudolfskai.

Mr. Ranzenberger, how do you feel about the opening of night-time restaurants?

I am of course happy. We hope that after the many lockdowns, people will be particularly keen on live music events again. Now it was often the case that the mood didn’t arise until around midnight, but then we had to close our bars.

Your restaurants will be spared from the planned redesign of the Rudolfkai … Did you know about this project?

No, the action by the City of Salzburg came as a surprise to everyone. But I can understand the homeowners’ arguments.


They don’t want their properties to lose value. That makes sense. And it is understandable that some felt disturbed by noisy young people.

Can you understand the young people too?

Naturally. But they are not restricted now, you can still leave in Salzburg. Just like everyone else, you have to adhere to the house rules.

In what way should the Rudolfskai be redesigned in your eyes?

The mix of industries has to fit. There has to be a combination of hotels, pubs, wine bars and the like. Then the Rudolfskai will again be attractive for several target groups.