"Irritates me deeply": Walter-Borjans takes a sharp approach to vaccine manufacturers

"Deeply irritates me"
Walter-Borjans takes a tough approach to vaccine manufacturers

The half-empty promises of the vaccine producers annoy SPD leader Walter-Borjans. The manufacturers have an "overall responsibility for society," said the Social Democrat. He also demands disclosure of the supply contracts between the companies and the EU.

Before today's "vaccination summit", SPD boss Norbert Walter-Borjans sharply criticized the manufacturers of corona vaccines. "I am shocked by the lack of sensitivity and sense of responsibility among some manufacturers. This is not about chocolate, but about a product on which the existence and cohesion of society depend," said Walter-Borjans of the editorial network Germany (RND).

Despite all the recognition for the rapid development of the vaccine, several manufacturers of Covid-19 vaccines have recently come under fire. For example, the Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer caused trouble with the short-term announcement that they would temporarily deliver less vaccine due to factory conversions – even if this should make larger production possible.

The British-Swedish manufacturer Astrazeneca surprisingly announced a week ago that it would deliver only 31 million doses of vaccine to EU countries in the first quarter instead of 80 million. The outrage was great, on Sunday Astrazeneca promised to deliver nine million more cans, a total of 40 million cans, as EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen announced.

"The actions of the vaccine manufacturers irritate me deeply. What kind of managers are they who, in the midst of a social emergency, take back promises made without batting an eyelid?" Said Walter-Borjans. "Companies have an overall responsibility for society – especially when they have received millions of euros in tax revenue." He expects that they will live up to this responsibility. At the same time, all supply contracts between the companies and the EU must be published, the SPD leader demanded.

"In order to assess whether Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is responsible for mistakes, all contracts with manufacturers must be on the table." The fact that Brussels has so far been reluctant to publish the treaties and with a lot of blackouts makes one suspicious. It is clear that the budget for vaccine procurement was too low overall.

. (tagsToTranslate) Politics (t) Corona vaccine (t) Corona crisis (t) Astrazeneca (t) Biontech (t) Norbert Walter-Borjans