Is monday free? – Confusion about window day before the autumn break

Those who have their children at different schools can be particularly challenged during the autumn break. Because it is quite possible that one child has eleven days off from school in a row, while another child “only” has eight. The reason for this is the window day on Monday, October 25th.

The “Krone” brings clarity to the confusion surrounding the upcoming autumn holidays:

  • The autumn holidays start annually on the national holiday (October 26th) and last up to and including All Souls Day (November 2nd).
  • The Tuesday after Easter (April 19, 2022) and Pentecost Tuesday (June 7, 2022) were sacrificed for the autumn holidays. There are classes on these two days. In addition, one of a total of four (compulsory schools) or five (federal schools) independent days off was deducted centrally.
  • The individual locations therefore have three or four autonomous days at their disposal in the school year 2021/22.
  • Six out of seven Viennese schools have put one of them on October 25, a total of almost 600 educational institutions.
  • 107 schools in the federal capital call for lessons in the classes next Monday.

In any case, increased planning effort can be expected in a number of families in the coming week.

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