Is the public denunciation of jet owners useful?

The efficiency argument

The ultra-rich can no longer hide their “ultra-pollution”. Several social media accounts track the jet travels of this planet’s billionaires. Thanks to them, each Internet user can see how catastrophic their carbon footprint is. In May, for example, Bernard Arnault’s plane emitted 176 tonnes of CO2, according to the @i_fly_Bernard account. Or the pollution of an average Frenchman in seventeen years.

Read also: The most frequent private jet journeys in France and the (much less polluting) alternatives by train or car

The pragmatic argument

Faced with the climate emergency and the inaction of politicians, it is up to the citizen to take matters into their own hands. But, faced with the indifference of the ultra-rich, he has few solutions, except to attack their reputation to move the lines. And, so that the bad buzz to be effective, it is necessary to appoint those responsible in the public square. Moreover, Bernard Arnault’s plane remained grounded throughout August. A good deed to save his image?

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Should private jets be regulated? The idea is gaining ground

The bad faith argument

As much to denounce people who make fun of the world. Because, according to the defenders of the jets, these are used for the most part for professional reasons. It is therefore probably a coincidence that the NGO Transport & Environment notes, in Europe, a 50% increase in departures in July compared to January. Destinations like Nice, Cannes or Ibiza are very popular. No doubt to talk about work or back to school.

The efficiency counter-argument

According to the NGO Transport & Environment, private jets emitted 400,000 tonnes of CO2 in France in 2019. A lot, of course, but “only” 0.09% of the 436 million tonnes of CO2 released in France the same year. Even within French air traffic, private jet flights represent a derisory percentage (1.7%). It is therefore illusory to believe that this hunt for billionaires will have real consequences on the climate.

The pragmatic counter-argument

Billionaires resent being tracked. But has this really changed their habits? Not those of Elon Musk, in any case, who preferred to offer $ 5,000 to the creator of the @ElonJet account rather than leaving his machine in the garage. And the ultra-rich can very well rent planes to camouflage their movements. the name and shame is not worth concrete measures like taxes or flight bans.

The Bad Faith Counter-Argument

Denunciation will not help the fight against global warming at all. On the contrary, it will demoralize the average citizen. Why bother cutting off Wi-Fi, slowing down the highway, or riding your bike to the bakery when you know those little efforts will be wasted when influencer Kylie Jenner takes three-minute flights ? To keep a little hope, it is better to turn a blind eye to this.

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