Is wearing a mask dangerous for health? A doctor dismantles the opinion of the conspirators: Femme Actuelle The MAG

Mandatory in shops, public transport and even in the streets of the largest cities in France, the mask has become one of the means favored by the government to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Yet, according to many citizens, it would represent a deprivation of their freedoms. Worse, those who claim to be anti-masks often cite an alleged study carried out by the American University of Stanford which would prove that wearing a mask would be dangerous in the long term. An ubiquitous situation (moreover often dismantled) for the doctor Jimmy Mohamed who, Friday April 23, 2021, gave a rant in the show Do not touch My TV, broadcast on C8. “It is still heartbreaking that we are still there one year after this absolutely incredible pandemic”, lamented the doctor. Faced with the assertions of certain columnists of Cyril Hanouna, he wanted to prove that no, the mask is not dangerous.

“Yes, the mask is unpleasant”

After ensuring that Stanford University had never published a study proving the dangerousness of masks, He continued : “I hear certain arguments: the mask is uncomfortable, it is true that we are fed up, that it is unpleasant, that we no longer see the expressions of the faces. It can indeed cause pimples, but we know: it saves lives “. Jimmy Mohamed evoked another scientific work which, unlike that advanced by the conspirators, would demonstrate the effectiveness of the mask: “We know that wearing a mask protects. A meta-analysis, which brings together 180 studies in 16 different countries, revealed two things: that we need physical distance and that wearing a mask is assimilated to a reduction in disease but also viral load “.

Vaccinate rather than question

So even if we are infected by wearing a mask, the disease may be less severe because the virus will have been partially filtered by the protective barrier. Jimmy Mohamed ended his intervention by insisting on the importance of accelerating the vaccination campaign rather than developing a debate that he considers unnecessary.

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