Is your child hypersensitive? Take the test!


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Hypersensitivity is difficult to identify during childhood and early childhood, but recognizing it early can be beneficial for the development of the child.

Hypersensitivity, still unknown a few years ago, is today a peculiarity whose nature and modalities of expression are known. Huge progress for a difference that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but shines through sometimes tenuous reactions.

Today, it is estimated that 1 in 5 people are hypersensitive in the world. Hypersensitivity is defined as higher than average emotional and sensory sensitivity, and manifests itself through several characteristics: hyperemotivity, that is to say that we will react more strongly to certain situations, all the emotions – joy, anger, sadness, frustration, feeling of injustice – will be increased tenfold. But also a hyperempathy : we will therefore be very sensitive to the fate of others, whether they are relatives or strangers, and we will soak up their emotions like a sponge, without sometimes being able to take a step back. Finally, hypersensitivity also results in sensory exacerbation : one or more of our senses will be amplified – hearing, smell, sight – sometimes leading to a feeling of saturation.

Hypersensitivity to be identified as early as possible

Hypersensitivity is not neither a disease, nor a pathology, nor a defect : it is not a question of trying to cure it, or to suffocate it. It is a way of being in the world and to others that not only cannot be avoided, but should not: hypersensitivity is a real source of wealth for who manages to put their finger on it.

Therein lies all the difficulty: identifying your hypersensitivity is not easy, and even less so during childhood when the outlines of the sensitivity are in full development. But it’s the age when it would be ideal to be able to recognize hypersensitivity, to protect the child from the negative drifts of this peculiarity and allow him to keep only the positive.

To read also: “My father noted the days when I did not cry”: testimony of Jennifer, hypersensitive

There where unidentified hypersensitivity can create great pain in the child – withdrawal, feeling of difference, bullying at school, eating disorders – putting your finger on it will be salutary for him. Once this hypersensitivity has been identified, you, as a parent, may adapt your reactions, your educational model so that their emotional and social experiences are optimized. So your child will be able to flourish in his identity, and develop multiple qualities innate as openness to others, intuitiveness, listening, a unique sensory acuity, a great presence in the world or even increased cognitive capacities. So don’t wait any longer, and take the test!

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