Issued in Bosnia – doctor noticed fraud with forged vaccination cards

A 25-year-old from Traun had ordered fake corona vaccination cards for himself and his friends in Bosnia. When trying to have the falsified documents entered in a European vaccination certificate, the fraud was now exposed. A doctor became suspicious and called the police. Eight forgeries were found.

The 25-year-old from Traun with Bosnian roots ordered twelve fake corona vaccination cards in the city of Bugojno (Bosnia) for himself and friends of Bosnian origin from Linz, Linz-Land and Steyr in the summer and brought them to Upper Austria in October. He paid between ten and 15 euros for the fakes that he gave his friends free of charge. A customer ordered four more vaccination cards and sold two of them for a profit of € 500. When five men went to the doctor to have their vaccination card entered in an EU vaccination pass and thus to escape the restrictions applicable to unvaccinated people, the doctor was taken aback: The cards were all issued by the same doctor and the batch number of the Vaccine the same everywhere. He turned on the police. Eight forgeries could still be found, four made the suspects disappear. You are reported for forgery of documents.
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