it pitches at the head of the French Olympic Committee

Two years before the Paris Olympics, Brigitte Henriques, the president of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (Cnosf) wishes the departure of the secretary general, Didier Séminet. An unprecedented situation according to observers.

The members of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (Cnosf) will have to decide in ten days whether or not to maintain in office the secretary general Didier Séminet, in conflict with its president, Brigitte Henriques, we learned Thursday from sources. aware of the file.

The divorce is not yet official. But two years from the Paris Olympics, the Olympic body, representing the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in France, is agitated internally.

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Nearly 14 months after her accession to the presidency, Brigitte Henriques indeed wishes to change secretary general, whom she had nevertheless chosen.

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“He had largely contributed to his election, he was one of his close advisers. He is someone appreciated, involved”, assures AFP one of the members of the body. “A divisive character”, nuances another.

The announcement was made Thursday morning during the back-to-school meeting of the sports movement attended by around sixty presidents of federations, employees and administrators of the Cnosf.

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The president of the Judo Federation, Stéphane Nomis, questioned Brigitte Henriques on the reasons for the convening of an extraordinary board of directors on September 12, according to different sources. The president of the Cnosf then confirmed that the departure of Didier Séminet from the post of secretary general would be put to the vote.

Two days earlier, the extended executive office of Cnosf had acted to propose his departure.

How to explain that we must unite two years before the Olympics if we are not able to unite ourselves?

“She told us that the trio (president, general manager and secretary general, editor’s note) did not work”, assures AFP a president of the federation who was present at the meeting on Thursday morning. Questioned by AFP, Didier Séminet did not wish to speak.

“The situation could not last like that, when a president no longer gets along with her secretary general, something has to be done”, deciphers a source close to Cnosf.

But the announcement of this probable separation, which remains subject to the vote during the board of directors on September 12, causes a stir internally.

“How to explain that we must unite two years before the Olympics if we are not able to unite ourselves? It’s incomprehensible. It’s a very serious crisis”, estimates an influential member of Cnosf .

“Never in the history of the body has a secretary general been fired by a president. This gives a deplorable image of the French sports movement two years before the Olympics”, regrets another federation president.

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