its great project postponed, the monarchy momentarily relieved


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The release date of Prince Harry’s big project may have been pushed back. The British monarchy holds its breath…

The retirement of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle from the monarchy caused quite a stir at the time. And for good reason, following their departure, many revelations about the little secrets of the British royal family have resurfaced on the web. If tensions seem to have eased since the couple from Sussex made the trip from the United States to attend the Queen’s Jubilee last June – the opportunity also for Elizabeth II to meet her great-grandmother for the first time -daughter Lilibet Diana — Prince Harry’s new project risks setting fire to the powder.

Indeed, the Queen’s grandson plans to publish his memoirs. The release of this intimate book, which would contain many bombs and explosive truths according to Page Sixis originally scheduled for fall 2022. However, based on research from the DailyMailit could be its publication is delayed.

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The shocking revelations that Prince Harry’s memoir should contain

the DailyMail thinks the release of Prince Harry’s memoir will be pushed back to next year, as the project doesn’t appear on no official list of upcoming book releases. “If this book comes out this year as originally planned, it should be on the publisher’s marketing and promotional list – unless there’s a surprise or there’s been a delay”, attests a royal expert to the Sun. To write his book, Prince Harry teamed up with JR Moehringer, who plays the role of ghostwriter (a subcontracted and often anonymous author of a text). According to information held by Page Sixthe grandson of the queen would have done his best so that nothing disparaging comes out about his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. This book should explore new stories about his past, including his childhood, which Harry has never mentioned until now.

What to understand why the royal family is nervous before the release of this book. In a statement, Prince Harry promised to reveal the whole truth about his story : “I write this not as the prince I was at birth but as the man I have become. I have worn many hats over the years, both literally and figuratively, and I hope that by telling my story – the ups and downs, the mistakes, the lessons learned – I can help show that few no matter where we come from, we have more in common than we think. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share what I have learned in my life so far and am thrilled that people are reading a firsthand account of my life that is accurate and completely truthful. ”

Marjorie Raynaud

A true jack-of-all-trades, Marjorie can both talk about the royal family and the latest series… What she likes is telling facts, deciphering the smallest details…

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