“It’s Holy Week and he’s coming back to New York”: Donald Trump compared to the Messiah by his supporters

Matthieu Bock (in New York), edited by Laura Laplaud
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09:04, April 04, 2023

Donald Trump, charged in a case of payment to a porn star, will appear in court in New York during an unprecedented hearing on Tuesday. Arrived Monday afternoon in New York, he was eagerly awaited by his fans, in front of his tower, the Trump Tower.

At 76, Donald Trump, candidate for the 2024 presidential election, is summoned before the judge at 2:15 p.m. (6:15 p.m. GMT) to be notified of the charges against him in the case of payment to a porn star in exchange of his silence. Glued to the barriers, there are about twenty of them waving American flags while waiting for Donald Trump. “We love Trump, we love Trump”, they chant in front of the Trump Tower.

“I think he was sent by God”

On his denim jacket, Andrew sewed a dozen badges bearing the image of the former American president. For him, the arrival of Donald Trump in New York is a divine sign. “It’s Holy Week right now. It’s ironic because that’s when Jesus came back to Jerusalem knowing full well that he would be persecuted and crucified when he arrived. And here comes Donald Trump in New York! I think he was sent by God to save the United States and the whole world,” he said at the microphone of Europe 1.

Hundreds of fans from all over the country

While a speaker plays pieces of conspiratorial rappers, Dany readjusts his cap on which he had “Trump 2024” embroidered. He explains that he does not believe in a trial. “Donald Trump will never go to court. They just want a picture of him as an ordinary defendant and a ban on talking. They’re going to drag, drag, and drag so that he doesn’t get re-elected in 2024,” he throws.

Dany promises it, soon, there will be hundreds of fans from all over the country, gathered in front of the court, to support their idol.

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