its principles, the benefits and the advice of an expert


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If you do not know what micronutrition is or have only a vague idea, Hélène Lemaire, dietician expert, explains everything and gives you the advice to follow.

We often hear about it, but in reality, what is micronutrition? Who is it for and what advice should I follow? Hélène Lemaire, dietician and professional nutritionist explains: “these are food supplements that we will take to optimize the daily diet”.

If now you have the definition, know that micronutrition does not replace everything. “It only comes as a complement. The first thing to do is correct your diet. If this is good, there will be an optimal result. A lack of magnesium can be compensated by supplements, but it will not last ”, adds Dr Lemaire. With a balanced and varied diet, there is no need to resort to food supplements, therefore.

Micronutrition remains a science that must be used with caution. “You shouldn’t take very large doses. Often, if we have deficiencies, it is because we badly assimilate certain foods. We must correct the diet and add a little something that will provide all the elements necessary for health ”, she adds.

Who is micronutrition for?

“Micronutrition is for everyone with some reservations. In pregnant women, there are vitamins that can build up like vitamin A, so medical advice is needed first. We must also be very careful with children and especially respect the ages: do not give them adult doses ”, specifies the nutritionist.

We must also be careful with the different pathologies and comorbidities. “If, for example, you give iron or vitamin B12 to a person who has cancer, the supplements can speed up the progression of the cancer. Taking lots of fatty acids, but not eating enough antioxidants, can increase cardiovascular risk ”, she explains.

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