Jackfruit: Everything about the trendy meat substitute

Jackfruit as a meat substitute
What can you prepare with it?

© Suriyawut Suriya / Shutterstock

Everyone is talking about the jackfruit – because it is supposed to be THE new meat substitute. The trend is also popular on Instagram and Pinterest. We’ll tell you why.

What is a jackfruit anyway?

The jackfruit is the fruit of the jackfruit tree, which belongs to the mulberry family and is in Home to South and Southeast Asia is. She is also called Jackfruit, jackfruit, or scallop fruit known. Jackfruit is currently experiencing a huge hype because it has a reputation for being the perfect meat substitute.

The specialty of the fruits: They grow directly on the trunk of the tree. They can be recognized by their yellowish-greenish to yellow color; when ripe they turn yellowish-brown in color. The hard shell with the small knobs is characteristic, which gives the sliced ​​jackfruit a certain resemblance to pineapple.

The jackfruit is praised for its own high nutritional content: “High in Minerals”, “High in Fiber”, “High in Potassium” and “a lot of calcium and magnesium” it says in the advertisement. And actually you are The fiber and protein content is very substantial, which is especially interesting for those who want to use the fruit as a meat substitute. At the same time, however, the jackfruit is rich in carbohydrates.

Jackfruit – what about the ecological balance?

Despite all the enthusiasm for the new food trend, one should still consider one thing: Since jackfruit only thrives and is processed in the tropics, it has a large carbon footprint when it comes into our stores.

Preserved in cans, shrink-wrapped in foil and transported frozen, it then unfortunately turns out to be not quite as environmentally friendly anymore, such as regional and seasonal foods. Nevertheless, not nearly as much CO2 is used for cultivation and transport as for breeding meat. So if you want to replace animal products with jackfruit, you can use jackfruit every now and then. But then make sure to buy organically grown fruit.

What does jackfruit taste like?

It is typical of the ripe jackfruit intense, sweet taste. That is why it is very suitable in its raw state for processing in desserts. Harvested immature and then boiled or roasted, however, it unfolds its true capabilities: The jackfruit is becoming the new star in the superfood sky and is one of the absolute trends on Instagram and Pinterest.

It has made a name for itself primarily as vegan meat substitute did. With their special consistency, it imitates the fibers of meat and refined with spices, it tastes confusingly similar to meat. This means that jackfruit also overtakes tofu and seitan when it comes to meat substitutes.

Whether as a substitute for spare ribs, inlay in curries, as in our green jackfruit curry, filling for hearty wraps, star in superfood bowls, as a pulled pork substitute in jackfruit BBQ tacos or as vegan patties in creative burger compositions – in The jackfruit becomes a star in healthy cuisine.

Where can you buy jackfruit?

They can now be found canned in many supermarkets, health food stores and drug stores. Both in their natural form and as ready-made curries, burger patties or marinated. You can get them fresh from the organic market or from exotic fruit and vegetable stores. Online you get an even bigger selection if you want to try something new. As an alternative to canned fruit, you can order the jackfruit dried to crispy crisps. That makes them a great, healthy snack in between. You can find delicious variations of the jackfruit, for example, at lotao.com, jackyf.com or on koro.de.

How do you eat jackfruit?

The possibilities of using the jackfruit are practically unlimited. Wherever you look for a meatless alternative, you can use jackfruit in the future. Due to its meat-like consistency, it can be made perfect with a few spices Burger meatball or to tender shredded meat process. Also as Goulash or fricassee the exotic fruit can shine. We have put together the best recipes for jackfruit on Pinterest for you here.

What recipes can you make with jackfruit?

Lotao Jackfruit Curry Noodle Hot Pot

Jackfruit as a meat substitute: what can you prepare with it?

© PR


  • 200 g Lotao Jackfruit Curry
  • 100 g rice noodles
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • 50 g sprouts
  • ½ onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 50 g peanuts
  • 2 large oyster mushrooms
  • 1 lime
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • A little coriander if you like


  1. Cut the carrot into small pieces, fry in vegetable fat and add half the onion, diced.
  2. Roughly chop the peanuts and roast them with the oyster mushrooms in a separate pan.
  3. Add Lotao Jackfruit Curry, coconut milk and lime juice and bring to the boil.
  4. Add the sprouts and simmer for another four minutes on the lowest level.
  5. In the meantime, let the rice noodles soak in 500 ml of hot water for two minutes. Drain and then fold into the jackfruit curry vegetables.
  6. Mix well so that the pasta does not stick together.
  7. Season and season to taste. Garnish with coriander and enjoy.

Green jackfruit curry

Vegan burger with pulled jackfruit

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Vegetarian pulled jackfruit

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Pulled jackfruit sandwiches with coleslaw

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Wraps filled with jackfruit curry

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Vegan nachos with BBQ jackfruit

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