James Blunt: The Brit thinks this song is “terrible”

James Blunt
The Brit thinks this song is “terrible”

James Blunt’s greatest hits album “The Stars Beneath My Feet” will be released on November 19th.

© Warner Music

16 years after “You’re Beautiful”, James Blunt releases a best-of album. He recorded some songs via Zoom, he explains in an interview.

With “Love under Pressure” and “Unstoppable”, James Blunt (47) has already delivered two harbingers of his new album “The Stars Beneath My Feet” (release on November 19th). A greatest hits album that combines 26 of his greatest hits, including live performances, and four new songs on one record. The idea for the album came to him during the pandemic, says the Briton in an interview with the news agency spot on news. He also reveals which of his songs he no longer likes to listen to or perform.

Why did you choose to release a “Greatest Hits” album? When does the moment come with a musician when you have enough good songs together to put together such an album?

James Blunt: I think most musicians do like me: we are waiting for a pandemic. (laughs). It’s a good time to look back. I was on the road for 17 years. When the pandemic started in March 2020, I had to interrupt my tour in Germany, go home and reflect. I could see what was in the past, collect my favorite moments and recordings. I recorded the album for myself most of the time.

How did the album title “The Stars Beneath My Feet” come about?

Blunt: “The Stars Beneath My Feet” is a line from one of my favorite songs, “Same Mistake”. When I perform the song in front of an audience, I always ask them to turn on their cell phone lights. When the lights come on, people look like “The Stars Beneath My Feet”.

There are not only old classics on the album, but also four new pieces. What was your inspiration for new music during the pandemic?

Blunt: There were so many things I wanted to write about. The main single “Love Under Pressure” is probably my favorite of the four new songs. I had already written the piano music, then I was in a zoom call with Jack Savoretti (English pop musician, editor’s note), a fantastic musician. I played the piano part for him and we talked about the burden of lockdown, Brexit, visa problems and so on. That’s how the song “Love Under Pressure” came about.

Have you written all the songs about Zoom?

Blunt: I spent most of the lockdown in my second home, Ibiza, and wrote the songs there, including through Zoom. We even recorded some of the songs via Zoom!

How did that work

Blunt: I called my band, they were in the studio and I was at home. They had the piano music I had written and recorded them in the studio with their instruments. There was even a guitar player from Australia, the producer from Los Angeles. I sang along with the video call and then later recorded the vocals again in a real studio. It was an amazing way to record music.

Many of your new songs have a more electronic sound. Has your own taste in music changed accordingly or are you following a trend?

Blunt: I’ve always loved house music. That’s why I also live in Ibiza. I’ve worked with a lot of DJs, like Robin Schulz, and played in nightclubs. I really love this type of music. I still write my music on the piano. But it’s fun to find new ways to produce the songs.

Your first single “You’re Beautiful” was released 16 years ago, and since then you have released numerous successful singles and albums. How did you experience the transformation in the music industry?

Blunt: There have been really incredible changes in the music industry. For me this is an incredible relief! I find it really boring to go to a CD store to buy music. Personally, I think it’s really great that you can now easily stream music online. The way I write and record music has also changed: I used to tell stories with my albums, and that worked well. Now people tend to come across a song by chance, and then straight away to another artist’s. I think that’s a bit of a shame.

Which of your hit songs did you not expect to be so successful?

Blunt: Whenever I perform in Italy, I am reminded that my song “High” was a huge hit there. It was used in an advertisement and so the whole of Italy really knows it.

Do you have your own favorite among your songs that you still like to hear and perform yourself?

Blunt: I don’t listen to my own music at home. By the time I’ve finished recording, I’ve usually heard the song too many times. If I then perform it live 260 times a year, I don’t want to hear it anymore (laughs). There is one song that I always like to perform: “Same Mistake”, which is where the album title comes from.

Is there someone you don’t even like to perform live?

Blunt: Yeah, there are some that I don’t find that exciting anymore and that I wish they didn’t represent me. For example “I’ll Be Your Man” – I think that’s terrible.

Are you looking forward to going on tour again next year?

Blunt: I was really happy to be home and spend quality time with my family. I haven’t spent as much time with them in the past 17 years as I wanted to. That’s why it was actually very nice for me. I’ve performed in the UK a few times now because there’s no longer a virus here (laughs) and that was really exciting. It was amazing. I can’t wait to tour Germany again from March!


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