James Bond: “’Dying can wait’” lacks humor and a great action scene”

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MAINTENANCE. Director of “GoldenEye” and “Casino Royale”, Martin Campbell was the guest of the recent Reims Polar festival. Words from an expert.

Martin Campbell, director of numerous action films in Hollywood, including GoldenEye and Casino Royale, was the guest of the last Reims Polar festival.
Martin Campbell, director of many Hollywood action films, including GoldenEye and Casino Royale, was the guest of the last Reims Polar festival.
© Franck Castel Agency / MAXPPP

Interview by Philippe Guedj

The power explained by the series


Who has never thought about the rise of populism before an episode of the Machiavellian Game of Thrones or Baron Noir? Or the merits – or not – of transparency in politics by viewing Borgen? As for the global success of La Casa de Papel, does it not reflect the rise of “anti-system” thinking in our democracies? More pragmatically, what do the great contemporary stories that are the series teach us about power, its stakes and its games, about how we conquer it and how we keep it?



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