James Bond goes astray in the national park: insightful Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty

James Bond goes astray in the national park
Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty

Pierce Brosnan explored nature in forbidden ways last year.

© Lukassek/Shutterstock

Is 007 a natural sinner? In any case, the actor Pierce Brosnan has pleaded guilty – albeit apparently reluctantly.

As top agent James Bond, Pierce Brosnan (70) saved the world in four films – most recently he was privately accused of recklessly contributing to its destruction. Because he was said to have entered protected thermal areas of Yellowstone National Park without permission last year, the star faced charges in the US state of Wyoming. After some slight resistance, he now apparently pleaded guilty, as the US site “TMZ” reports.

According to court documents available to the site, Brosnan now entered into a deal: He admitted to leaving the permitted path in November 2023, and as a penalty he was only charged $1,500 and all other points were dropped. Apparently a change of heart: two months ago the actor is said to have pleaded not guilty. According to the site, a guilty verdict could have resulted in a fine of up to $5,000 and up to six months in prison.

Serious danger to life and limb

According to a criminal file from last year, the former Bond actor received citations for walking and off-trail travel “in all thermal areas and Yellowstone Canyon” on November 1 and for “violating closures and use restrictions.”

Thermal phenomena such as hot springs, geysers or travertine terraces can be visited in the area. Already on the park’s website However, visitors are strongly warned not to stay in the area after dark, swim in the water or go outside the designated hiking trails. The soil could be “just a thin crust over boiling hot springs” and the pools could be acidic enough “to burn through boots,” as the website says.


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