January horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that the winter blues are hitting hard right now

January horoscope
3 zodiac signs that the winter blues are hitting particularly hard right now

January horoscope: Winter is a particularly difficult time for these zodiac signs


It’s dark, it’s cold – no wonder that quickly affects the mood. Three zodiac signs are particularly prone to this. Fortunately, there is a good way out of the darkness for them too!

Rain, wind and darkness without end – and then also much less contact with other people? No wonder many of us are going through a real low mood right now! Three zodiac signs in particular suffer particularly badly from the winter blues and could use a ray of hope right now.

January horoscope: Three zodiac signs become extremely melancholy due to the dark season

The good news is: there is a way out for them too, which can lead them out of their melancholy. What exactly the best antidote is, of course, depends heavily on the different personalities of the zodiac signs. In the video you can see who is most susceptible to the winter blues – and how you can overcome it.

Source used: BRIGITTE horoscope


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