Japan: he invents a lickable TV screen that reproduces the tastes of food

Nothing stops the Japanese genius. A teacher from the Land of the Rising Sun has created a lickable television screen that reproduces the flavors.

The prototype was presented at the Digital Content Expo 2021 which was held in Japan at the end of November. Called Taste The TV (TTTV), the device consists of a screen and a tank. This contains ten flavors, such as salt water or glutamic acid. Their combination will make it possible to reproduce the taste of certain foods.

It suffices to formulate a request to the machine for a sample, in the form of a small drop of water, to roll on a hygienic film which covers the screen where a dish appears. The viewer can then lick it. The film is then replaced for obvious hygienic reasons.

During the demonstration, a student asked the TTTV to taste some sweet chocolate. An automated voice then repeated the command before spraying a drop of the recreated flavor. “It’s as sweet as chocolate sauce,” she said.

“The goal is to allow people to experience something like eating in a restaurant halfway around the world, even if they stay at home,” Homei Miyashita, inventor of TTTV said during the demonstration.

According to him, a commercial version could cost 100,000 yen, or 772 euros. It could be used for training chefs or sommeliers at a distance but also for sensory awakening exercises in the form of a quiz.

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