Jean forced to abandon the adventure, he burst into tears

While he participated in Koh-Lanta 2024, Jean was forced to abandon the adventure. In fact, the candidate injured his ankle. This Tuesday, March 7, he expressed his disappointment with his comrades.

Since the start of reunification, Jean, the candidate Koh-Lanta, The Immunity Hunters managed to impose itself… The carpenter who belonged to the ex-red team demonstrated his strength and determination in all the events. During the obstacle course, the candidate had also imposed himself carried by the love of his son. “It was Simon who taught me patience, when you have a little one it’s not always easy, I can’t wait to see him again. It’s nice, I never thought I’d share so many emotions“, he confided to host Denis Brogniart.

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While a new episode of the show was broadcast this Tuesday, May 7, 2024, Jean was finally forced to abandon the adventure. Originally from Normandy, the Koh-Lanta candidate has, in fact, twisted my ankle in the forest. And after being examined by the doctor, he was finally not allowed to continue the adventure.

“It’s not my style to give up”

Faced with his comrades, Jean couldn’t hold back his tears when he had to leave the adventure. “It’s not my style to give up on these kinds of injuries […] So close to the goal, it’s hard. I feel like I still have it under my belt, that’s the most frustrating thing. I am still proud of the journey, of the people I met. When we come to Koh-Lanta, we know it’s hard. We don’t realize to what extent. Morale has a lot to do with it, you have to hold on over time, I attached myself to this group which was also very strong behind me“, he blurted.

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Faced with the candidate’s dismay, Denis Brogniart then tried to reassure him. “It’s not you who let go of Jean, It’s the doctor’s decision.and only the doctor’s decision”, did he declare. And to add: “You can be proud of what you have done. 100% of the immunity tests since reunification have been won by you.”

Jean’s confidences about his injury

In the columns of Télé-Loisirs, Jean returned to his injury: I went wandering in the woods. And with the lack of lucidity and energy, we feel the body much more feverish. While trying to clear my path with the machete, I cut my finger. It took my mind so I told myself I was going to go back to camp. On the way back, I hurt my ankle because of the stones. I clearly heard the ankle turning. I sat down on the spot. I very quickly understood what was happening to me. On the camp, I was quite angry”he confided.

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Jean kept hope until the end despite his injury: “In my opinion, there was still hope because they hadn’t given me a definitive no. It was really Denis who told me before the start of the game (the immunity test, editor’s note) that it was definitive and that I could not continue with this ankle.”, he revealed. And to conclude on his departure: “It was a cold shower, I told myself that it was not possible. I thought I could move beyond the pain. But for my own good, the doctor and production told me that I needed to rest.”

A graduate of CELSA, I have always been passionate about journalism since my early childhood. Originally from the South of France, I left Nice, my hometown, to come live in…

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