Jean-Jacques Bourdin accused of sexual assault: who could replace him on BFMTV?

Subject of a complaint for “attempted sexual assault” Jean-Jacques Bourdin is still on the air. This Tuesday, January 18, The Parisian announced the names of the two journalists who could replace him on BFMTV.

Saturday January 15, The Parisian revealed that a 33-year-old journalist filed a complaint against Jean-Jacques Bourdin for “attempted sexual assault”. The complainant alleges facts that allegedly took place nine years ago. Despite everything, the 72-year-old TV host is still on the air on BFMTV. Something to talk about in the continuous news channel. This Tuesday, January 18, our colleagues reveal the opinion of a reporter, who believes that if there is “other testimonies in this sense”, management should “surely take interim measures”.

And that could go through a replacement on the air for Jean-Jacques Bourdin. It would even seem that within BFMTV, we are thinking, according to The Parisian, to Jean-Baptiste Boursier Where to Maxime Switek for possibly present the show France in the eyes. On the side of the channel, some people do not understand that the journalist continues his career, as if nothing had happened. “His staying on the air is really amazing. Others have been dismissed for less than that”, indicated a colleague who wished to remain anonymous, referring to Emmanuel Lechypre. “Suddenly, it gives the impression that he is protected. It struck us a little. Especially since, since the Covid, it is not complicated to replace someone”, he added.

“It can call into question our credibility at all”

Another journalist, for his part, estimated that “Fogiel [le directeur général de BFMTV, NDLR] don’t want to close their eyes”. However, within the chain, the debate is open. “For BFM, it would have been better if he were no longer on the air. The time of a campaign is not easy to manage. So imagine how hard it will be with suspicions about our star interviewer (…) It creates real discomfort and can call into question the credibility of all of us”, another source told Parisian.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Christophe Clovis / Bestimage

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