Jean-Michel Blanquer: “our objective remains to keep schools open”

Guest of the morning of CNEWS this Friday, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, returned to the criticisms aimed at the health protocol at school, slightly relaxed but which remains binding in the eyes of parents of students.

“Of course it’s hard, of course it’s complicated,” he conceded. But that is the price to pay for keeping schools open, he says. “This remains our goal,” he said.

“I think it’s a goal shared by everyone. To do this under good conditions, we have, by consulting the scientific authorities, toughened the testing policy, it is true, ”continued the Minister, acknowledging the constraints weighing on families.

Jean-Michel Blanquer, however, called for unity to “overcome this difficult course”.

The protocol will evolve depending on the epidemic

“The easy way is to say: the children no longer go to school. This is what has happened in many countries, is what some politicians are proposing. This is not what I am proposing, ”he insisted.

While the epidemic peak has not yet been reached and that contaminations are maintained at record levels, the Minister of National Education has not ruled out new changes to the protocol in force, “in a sense or in a other”.

As a reminder, the current protocol, which has just been slightly relaxed, requires students in contact cases to carry out three tests: a PCR or antigen on D0. If it is negative, return to class is possible but two self-tests must be carried out on D2 and D4.

If the pupil is positive, he must isolate himself for 5 days if the PCR or antigen test carried out on the 5th day is negative and if he has not had symptoms for 48 hours. Otherwise, isolation is 7 days.

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