Jennifer Aniston: Her fitness trainer reveals 5 tricks for defined arms

Jennifer Aniston
Her trainer reveals her 5 tricks for defined arms

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Arms like Jennifer Aniston? That’s fine! Her longtime fitness trainer has revealed what the actress does to get a slim, defined upper body.

With Jennifer Aniston, 53, it always seems as if time has stood still a bit – she doesn’t age, she still has the same carefree charm that made her world famous in the series “Friends”. … And this body first! Her fitness trainer Leyon Azubuike has revealed which tricks Jen uses to train her enviable arms in particular – and he says himself: “She trains hard. It’s hard to keep up with her.”

Jennifer Aniston: Here’s how she trains her upper body

Leyon reveals that Jen’s workout routine is always based on five principles – these are exactly the key to long-term success.

1. She’s warming up properly

“You can’t do a cold start into an explosive workout,” reveals her trainer. It is therefore important to mobilize all muscles. Jennifer’s favorite way to do this is with yoga poses like Downward-Facing Dog or Cat-Cow. In addition, she also likes to jump rope or do jumping jacks.

2. It combines pull and push movements in every workout

The actress has been training boxing with Azubuike for a long time. “It’s the workout I’ve stuck with the longest aside from yoga,” she revealed. “The mental aspect of boxing is great.” Since boxing is a very front-push dominated sport, her trainer makes sure Jen does pull exercises as well. In her case, that means rowing. “Rowing and boxing complement each other perfectly,” explains the coach.

3. She focuses on one movement at a time

Jennifer’s workouts are well divided – she doesn’t train a muscle group twice in a row, for example never two bicep exercises. “This allows her to complete all sets correctly to the end without tiring,” explains her trainer. His mantra: It should only burn when repeated twelve to fifteen times.

4. She always trains her abs

The two of them never finish a workout for the upper body without having mobilized the stomach at the end. What’s Jen’s favorite thing to do for a toned stomach? planks! She can easily hold out for two minutes. She also likes to vary the exercise: high planks, deep planks, side planks. “All abs fire together here,” says Azubuike.

5. She’s always challenging herself

“Jennifer trains so hard that sometimes she just changes movements and says, ‘That was too easy for me!'” explains her trainer. It is important to have goals and to always push yourself to the limit. This is the only way to get the best out of yourself – just like Jennifer Aniston.

Sources used: RedOnline


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