Jennifer Lopez: Her ex turns out to be a bad loser

Jennifer Lopez
Your ex turns out to be a bad loser

Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez

© Getty Images

Alex Rodriguez apparently finds it difficult to accept the separation from Jennifer Lopez and is now grumbling about his former fiancée.

It’s only been three months since Jennifer Lopez, 51, split up with Alex Rodriguez, 45, after rumors rose that he cheated on her. But the former successful baseball professional finds it difficult to accept the rejection of his ex-fiancée.

Jennifer Lopez: Alex Rodriguez takes offense at his ex

Alex Rodriguez is not afraid to discuss very private relationship details of his ex-girlfriends in Miami’s party scene. Obviously with everyone who even listens, so insiders report to the US newspaper “OK! Magazine”. Jennifer’s newly found love for Hollywood star Ben Affleck, 48, is of course a particular thorn in his side. “He frowned on her in public and laughed at how cheesy her romance actually was. But it must be burning under his nails that Jen and Ben found each other again so quickly after the relationship ended and that their new love was apparently happy and lasting is, “reveals the insider. The former sports professional, to whom beautiful women and Madonna, 62, once lay in rows at his feet, now thinks it is “therapeutic” to make jokes at Jennifer’s expense. “Alex feels so betrayed and humiliated – his priorities right now are to have fun and get revenge on Jen,” the insider continued.

Bennifer plan a future together

While it is clear that Rodriguez has real problems with the breakup, Lopez doesn’t look back. Instead, she is building a new future with Ben Affleck and plans to retrain her kids from Miami to Los Angeles. In a recent interview with Zane Lowe, 47, Lopez revealed, “I’m super happy. And I just want everyone to know it’s the best time of my life.” Friends reveal that Lopez and Affleck are so happy today that there are even rumors of a possible wedding.

“This time Ben won’t let his Jen escape,” said an insider. “The new relationship is only a few months young, but the two pick up where they left off. Jen and Ben know everything about each other – the good, the bad and the ugly. They love and accept each other with all their flaws.”

Source used: OK magazine

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