Jim Carrey on Oscar slap: He sees the dream factory as “spineless”

Jim Carrey on Oscar slap
He sees the dream factory as “spineless”

Hollywood star and comedian Jim Carrey would not find a slap in the face by Will Smith funny at all.

© John Nacion/starmaxinc.com/ImageCollect

After Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, Jim Carrey called Hollywood ‘spineless’. He would have sued his colleague.

Will Smith (53) punched Chris Rock (57) in the face at the Academy Awards. Shortly thereafter he received his first Oscar – for his leading role in “King Richard”. Hollywood star Jim Carrey (60) believes that the award ceremony showed how “spineless” the dream factory is.

“I was disgusted. I was disgusted by the standing ovation,” Carrey explained on US breakfast television. The comedian and actor speaks on “CBS Mornings” from the moments after Smith was announced as the winner in the Best Actor category. The 60-year-old thought that Hollywood was “simply spineless”.

Smith took to the stage at the event and slapped Rock resoundingly after the comedian made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith, 50. Smith raged that he should “not put his wife’s name in his damn mouth.” In his acceptance speech shortly thereafter, the star tearfully apologized to the Academy and the nominees, but not to Chris Rock.

Not the right to “slap people in the face”

According to media reports, the police asked Rock if he wanted to file a complaint. However, the comedian denied this. Smith later apologized via Instagram. “I want to apologize to you publicly, Chris,” he said, among other things. His behavior was “unacceptable and inexcusable”.

And that’s obviously how Carrey sees it. Rock probably didn’t sue Smith because he didn’t want to deal with all the “hassle,” the actor speculates. Had it happened to him, he said he would have “sued Will for $200 million” because the clip of the incident will live forever and be “ubiquitous.” This “insult” will last for a very long time. You can express your disapproval with heckling from the audience or on Twitter, “but you don’t have the right to go on stage and slap people in the face for saying words.”

At the same time, Carrey made it clear that he wished his colleague the best: “I have nothing against Will Smith. He did great things, but it wasn’t a good moment.” The “selfish” attack overshadowed the entire Oscars, robbing all of the other winners of the special night they had been working towards.

“A Time to Heal”

Rock joked at the Oscars before the incident that Pinkett Smith was preparing for the sequel to The Jane Files. An obvious nod to the actress having her head shaved. The 1997 film starred Demi Moore (59) with her hair shaved off. However, Jada Pinkett Smith has been suffering from alopecia, a disease-related hair loss, for a long time.

After Will Smith had already commented on Instagram, the actress also reported on the platform. With a new post, she seems to be addressing the incident – ​​but does not comment further. Smith’s wife only writes: “This is a time for healing and I am ready for it.”


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