JL recruit Jezu’s brother in midlane for Div 2!

Photo: JobLife Esport

Little by little, the bird makes its nest. JobLife Esport continues to complement each other and the JL have announced their third player. After the ADC (Seelame) and Support (Benaset), the structure is staying the course by recruiting French. She formalized the arrival of Pierre-Olivier “Serendip“Massol. If the latter’s last name perhaps means something to you, it’s because he shares this one with a certain Jean”Jezu“Massol, the ADC who plays LEC at SK Gaming. Information is not yet 100% verified, but several media announced that they were brothers and it must be admitted that their relationship seems quite obvious when we compare their photos.

Even if Jezu has taken a little advance in career, the trajectory of Serendip could become exponential in 2022 with its recruitment in the JL. Carried by popular fervor, it could well break through and make a place for itself very quickly at the highest level. There is still some way to go to join the LEC, but to see them both in the European elite would be a real good story.

But if we talk a lot about Jezu, do not think that Serendip comes out of nowhere. This promising midlaner was at PCS this year and he shone on the semi-pro circuit of the Open Tour France. He won the latter and above all allowed the team to obtain its place in Div 2 by having a very good promotion tournament. However, he did not stay with PCS and will discover the second division of the LFL with the JL.

Big soloQ player (peak at 1000 LP), we don’t have a lot of data about him. If we look at his history in competition, we notice that he does not hesitate to play champions who have a lot of punch, like Irelia, Ekko or Lee Sin. Hopefully he keeps this same desire to offer a great game next year. MGG having become official broadcaster of Div 2, we will be in the front row to attend the show.


The JL continue to do their Christmas shopping and unveil the team’s roster day after day. After Benaset, we now know the identity of the ADC. And even if it’s not Rekkles, it’s still very heavy for the Div 2.

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