jobs carried out by immigrant workers in France

Difficult working conditions in jobs in tension: the direction of the animation of research, studies and statistics (Dares) analyzed the jobs of the 2.7 million immigrants who work in France. They hold one in ten jobs in the country. In detail, they hold 29% of jobs in Guyana – the region where this rate is the highest -, 22% in Ile-de-France and 12% in Corsica, according to a study published on July 2, based on 2017 figures. In Normandy, Brittany and Pays de la Loire, this proportion is 4%.

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Most occupations where immigrant workers are overrepresented are experiencing a labor shortage. The cause, in particular, of the arduous working conditions: physical constraints, repetitive tasks… Immigrants often have a precarious status: 15% of contracts are of limited duration (10% for non-immigrants). They are mainly domestic workers (39% of them are immigrants), guard and security agents (28%) and unskilled construction and public works workers (27%).

The level of study is extremely polarized among those under 30: 21% of them certainly have no diploma above the college diploma (against 10% for non-immigrants), but 21% have reached a baccalaureate. + 5 (compared to 14% of non-immigrants). The employment rate of working immigrants (56%, with 79% full-time) is much lower than that of non-immigrants (66%, with 84% full-time).

Numerous North African natives in digital

Among immigrants from Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia (27% of immigrants working in France), those who arrived in the 2000s are more qualified than in the past. While native North Africans are over-represented among guard, security and maintenance agents, they are also numerous to be computer engineers (2.4% of Moroccan immigrants among computer engineers, for example, i.e. double their share). across employment). Moreover, in Ile-de-France, 18% of people working in a digital profession are immigrants, against 12% of managers in this region, noted at the end of 2019 a INSEE study. Among them, a third is from North Africa.

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Another example, the 16% of immigrant workers born in Asia are particularly present in the catering and textile professions. Those from China, who have mostly settled in France over the past twenty years, are primarily employed in highly qualified professions, such as study and research staff, notes the Dares study.

As for workers born in Portugal, half of whom have lived in France for at least thirty years, they are often domestic workers (14% of them are native Portuguese) or skilled construction workers (8%).

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