Jochen Schweizer: Entrepreneur had to go through “a terrible time”

John Schweizer
Entrepreneur had to go through “a terrible time”

Jochen Schweizer performing in Munich.

© imago/Spöttel Picture

Jochen Schweizer spoke about his life crisis. He “was no longer able to influence anything,” explains the entrepreneur.

Jochen Schweizer (64) apparently had to overcome a life crisis: “At some point I was just a passenger on a train that was rolling at an incredible speed and in which I could no longer influence anything. It was a terrible time,” said the entrepreneur Podcast “Die Wochentester” by “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” and “RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland”.

In an interview with moderators Wolfgang Bosbach (69) and Christian Rach (64), Schweizer explained that he felt like he was on a hamster wheel: “The amount of money you earn is not at all suitable for buying back what you lose for it to earn. Everything has its price in life. Nothing comes for free. Even supposedly successful people are sometimes very poor people.”

“That’s not really the truth”

The 64-year-old also revealed in the podcast why he left the VOX show “Die Höhle der Löwen”. “It was spectacularly successful, but at some point I had the feeling that’s not really the truth, that’s a show. No serious investor would say based on a 60-minute presentation: I’ll give you 250,000 for 20 percent of this company. Me wanted to live in real reality and not TV reality.”

The entrepreneur and extreme athlete was seen as an investor in “The Lion’s Den” from 2014 to 2016. Schweizer also works as an author and published his new novel “The Encounter” in November 2021.


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