Jodie Foster: That’s what she thinks about developments in the cinema industry

Jodie Foster
That’s what she thinks about developments in the cinema industry

Jodie Foster is excited to do the job that she enjoys.

© Faye Sadou / AdMedia / ImageCollect

Jodie Foster is a cinema great. She sees the development of the film industry away from cinemas towards streaming services in two ways.

The corona crisis has accelerated the growing importance of streaming services once again. While the cinemas were closed for most of the time, large film productions were increasingly being published on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Co. A development that Jodie Foster (58) observed with one laughing and one crying eye, as she revealed in an interview with “Welt am Sonntag”.

The actress also noticed the change in the film business in herself: “I haven’t been to the cinema for a year, but during the pandemic I watched more films than ever before – just all of them in streaming.” Like other artists, she expected this change in consumer behavior and learned to accept it before the pandemic, Foster continued.

Changes in the film industry are no surprise

“Everyone in the film business has known for a long time that this development was coming,” explained the 58-year-old. One suspected that the film industry would split in two in the long term: “On the one hand, the franchise film industry, which brings large series of events to the cinemas, and, on the other hand, the makers of narrative films that are increasingly made for streaming platforms.”

Foster was at odds with her feelings in this regard, she told the newspaper. On the one hand, as an artist, she is happy to continue doing what she likes to do. On the other hand, thinking about cinemas also resonates with nostalgia. “Memories like ‘I still remember when and in which cinema I saw the’ Godfather ‘or’ Apocalypse Now ‘. Films whose experience shaped me.’ It’s a little heartbreaking, “the Hollywood star confessed. In their opinion, this development also means the end of “gigantic ‘200 million dollar plus’ film productions”.

However, the actress is also excited about the opportunities that the world of streaming offers for the industry, she concluded: “I think we have to move with the times. The most exciting things in the development of cinema and in communication all happen in the world of streaming. And I’m happy to be a part of it. “
