Jogger raised the alarm – father and son crashed their tractor in Tyrol

Two men crashed on a tractor while doing woodwork on Wednesday evening in Mils near Hall in Tirol. The fire department had to rescue the vehicle. A jogger saw the crashed device and raised the alarm. The two inmates had guardian angels with them.

The terrible tractor crash on Großvolderberg on Thursday – in which, as the “Krone” reported, a 76-year-old farmer was seriously injured – should not be the only accident of its kind in recent days. A tractor crash had already occurred on Wednesday evening . A father and his adult son were doing woodwork with the tractor on a forest path in Mils near Hall. For reasons unknown as yet, he may have crossed the road and fallen a few meters into an adjacent forest. A jogger saw the vehicle lying between trees and immediately set the rescue chain in motion. “Fortunately, the tractor was only two to three meters next to the path. “It got hooked on a tree,” says FF commander Stefan Pircher, describing the situation. Men remained uninjured, tractor between trees. The two occupants had all the luck in the world. They were uninjured, but were of course in shock. The jogger looked after the two until the emergency services arrived. The fire brigade then had to secure the tractor so that it did not fall any further. “We were then able to get the vehicle onto the forest path,” explains Pircher, who continues: “We had to dismantle the front loader so that we could actually get it out of the forest.” A towing service finally brought the vehicle to the workshop. Significant damage was caused to the tractor. In addition to the FF Mils, the police and a recovery company were also on duty.
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