John Elkann, Copernicus among the Agnellis

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DYNASTIES. Uninhibited, the Italian has put order in the family empire, which, thanks to him, has gained a lot of weight beyond the automotive sector.

John Elkann, in September 2010, following a Formula 1 Grand Prix, in which Ferrari, the flagship brand of the Agnelli galaxy, is engaged.  Photo by Massimo Insabato/Olycom/ABACAPRESS.COM |  243922_005
John Elkann, in September 2010, following a Formula 1 Grand Prix, in which Ferrari, the flagship brand of the Agnelli galaxy, is engaged. Photo by Massimo Insabato/Olycom/ABACAPRESS.COM | 243922_005
© Massimo Insabato/Olycom/ABACAPRESS.COMMassimo/Olycom/ABACAInsabato Massimo

By Beatrice Parrino

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