Joint pain in the morning when you wake up: what is it due to and what can you do to relieve it? : Current Woman Le MAG

We sometimes feel like we are “rusty” when we wake up in the morning: our knees, our wrists, our fingers hurt. In short, the joints seem locked. Several reasons can explain this, as underlined by rheumatologist Patrick Sichère, author of the comic strip “Ouch, Pain is also treated with humor”, published by Fluide Glacial.

What causes joint pain in the morning?

Joint pain is not usually limited to waking up. The rheumatologist specifies that they are often linked to nocturnal pain. These are not just mechanical pains, they can also be linked to inflammation. “Between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., we are less well protected against pain, because of cortisol cycles.” The hormone has an anti-inflammatory action, but at night, it is present in less quantity in our body. This explains why we have pain at that moment, but also when we wake up.

Among the causes that can explain joint pain in the morning are: osteoarthritis, which causes progressive wear (or aging) of joint cartilage, which therefore lose their flexibility. Or rheumatoid arthritis, which often peaks at age 30 or 40, which causes inflammation in the joints. We also find psoriatic arthritis, autoimmune diseases such as lupus and gout which lead to the deposit of microcrystals of uric acid in the joints and surrounding tissues. Trauma, sprains, or past surgery can also cause joint pain.

How to fight joint pain when you wake up?

“First of all, I advise you to be careful to sleep well. Sleep is fundamental, it is restorative. The better you sleep, the more dynamic you wake up and the less intense the pain. We must not forget that pain is part of in a triptych with sleep disorders and fatigue”, continues the doctor.

And if you wake up in pain, you have to find a way to unlock yourself: “you have to fight against kinesiophobia, the fear of having pain when moving. In the morning, I recommend doing a little gymnastics, flexibility exercises. This “rust removal” can take time, sometimes up to an hour. Generally speaking, to prevent joint pain, it is important to maintain regular physical activity. Nordic walking is very effective, for example.”

In general, the pain subsides as the day goes on, unless you make significant efforts. He further specifies that “if it is too intense, the doctor can also prescribe anti-inflammatories or painkillers to take at that time.”

When to consult for morning joint pain?

Moreover, Patrick Sichère gives a benchmark to know when the pain is no longer “normal”: “if it does not disappear spontaneously after 15 days, you should consult. There’s no point in being in pain. An accurate diagnosis allows targeted treatment and prevents joints from becoming damaged.”

To find out what the patient who describes joint pain upon waking up is suffering from, the general practitioner or a rheumatologist begins with a clinical examination. Then blood tests, an X-ray and an ultrasound can be carried out to refine the diagnosis.

Read also :

⋙ Joint pain: why do my joints hurt?

⋙ Rheumatoid arthritis: how to relieve the pain of this inflammatory disease?

⋙ Osteoarthritis: is collagen effective in fighting joint pain?

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