Journalist Jean-Jacques Bourdin accused of “sexual assault”

UA complaint was filed against Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Tuesday, January 11 in Paris, for “sexual assault”, Agence France-Presse learned on Saturday from the Paris prosecutor’s office. The latter attested to having “received [cette] complaint of sexual assault. It is being analyzed”. These facts are possibly prescribed. The complainant is a former journalist from BFMTV and RMC who filed a complaint with the police station on 16and borough.

This 33-year-old woman, who worked “for several years” with the journalist on the BFMTV-RMC morning show, claims that he “grabbed her by the neck and tried to kiss her several times. occasions “in a swimming pool of a hotel in Calvi in ​​2013, during a business trip, according to the account of the daily newspaper confirmed by Mand Laure Heinich, plaintiff’s lawyer. She was 25; he, 64 years old.

This journalist is said to have “struggled” and managed to get out of the pool. Jean-Jacques Bourdin would then have said: “I always get what I want. “Then he would have sent him, still according to this account, “For several months insistent emails and SMS”. Nearby Parisian, the accused firmly disputed the facts: “I know this person, and I worked with her. I admit having bathed with her in the swimming pool of this hotel. But I never tried to forcibly kiss her, nor her, nor anyone else. »

READ ALSORMC: Apolline de Malherbe’s salty response to Jean-Jacques Bourdin

An abusive “man of power”?

“Powerful men need to ask themselves the question of the authority they exercise over women when they try to obtain sexual favors, since of course this history of authority reduces women to silence. This is why it took several years to file a complaint, ”commented Mand Heinich. Neither the continuous news channel communication nor Mand Jacqueline Laffont, lawyer for Jean-Jacques Bourdin, could not be reached immediately.

Dismissed from the RMC morning show in the summer of 2020 after 19 years of service, Jean-Jacques Bourdin leads his last season at the head of the 8:30 a.m. political interview on the group’s radio and continuous news channel. Altice Media. A figure of the station, known for his uncompromising interviews, the 72-year-old host started as a sports journalist on RTL in 1976, where he made a career before joining RMC.

READ ALSO“Jean-Jacques Bourdin is a central character of RMC”

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