“Justice is not moving fast enough”


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While one of the singer Hoshi’s stalkers was arrested and admitted the facts, justice is slow to be served.

Justice is not moving fast enough “, estimated Hoshi in a recent interview granted to Nice morning. Harassed and victim of lesbophobia since her performance at the Victoires de la Musique 2020, during which she kissed a dancer on stage, the singer received hundreds of hate messages, insults and sometimes even death threats. The singer has filed a complaint and is waiting for justice to be done to her. But two years later, she believes that progress is slight. The Central Office for Combating Crimes Against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH) has arrested one of his harassers in June 2022but the trial has not yet taken place “, she clarified. However, the stalker in question admitted the facts of which he is accused. According The Parisianthe man would live in Brittany, would be addict to screens and would have repeatedly sent hateful messages to the singer. Several minors have also been identified by the OCLCH for similar acts. Hoshi believes it is important to lead by example. His complaint, filed on March 11, 2020, was supported by the Secretary of State for Digital Cédric O as by the associations Stop Homophobia or Emergency Homophobia.

Hoshi challenges Emmanuel Macron

The singer arrested Emmanuel Macron and the national police on Twitter. “It’s been more than 2 years since I filed a complaint for the threats and insults of a homophobic nature that I have received since my song Amour Censure. I put on a good face, I ignore, I try to be strong but here is what I still receive frequently. Justice is slow, very slow (…) I live with the daily fear that one of them will act. Do you intend to act? » According to his manager Gia Martinelli: They found her address, threatened to kill her, hurt her family and her fans. There have also been attempts to hack into his accounts “.

Many personalities have supported Hoshi such as Ayache (Superbus), Apple or even Patxi Garat. Like many Internet users, but the singer is now waiting for the support of justice.

Social journalist, Barbara is particularly interested in human and social sciences (psychology, sociology and philosophy), feminism and health, well-being and…

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