Justice / Politics Videos simulating shootings on Macron and rebels: the trial of the authors postponed to February


The trial of two supporters of Eric Zemmour, authors of videos in which they train shooting and imagine targeting Emmanuel Macron and elected Insoumis, has been postponed to February 2.

The two men, a 21-year-old army soldier and a 30-year-old interim cook, were to be tried on Wednesday in immediate appearance at the Paris court. But the court agreed to return the case, in particular to allow the viewing of the videos at the hearing, impossible on Wednesday. The trial will be held before the 17th chamber of the Paris court.

By then, the two men were placed under judicial supervision, prohibited from coming into contact with each other and with the victims, handling weapons or frequenting shooting ranges. They also had travel restrictions imposed on them.

“Who are we going to bust?” Of the young gaucho, of the young communist, of the young mental bougnoule “

The videos in question, revealed on Twitter by the Young Guard, an anti-fascist group, and by Mediapart, show a man wearing a “Ben voir” cap, a tic of language from Eric Zemmour erected as a slogan by his fans, exercising with a sniper rifle.

“Well let’s see friends, who are we going to bust?” The young gaucho, the young Communist, the young mental bougnoule ”, laughs the young man, before opening fire. Rifle in play, he then mimics surprise – “Ah, Emmanuel Macron! »- and fires a second shot.

In another video shot at the same location, another young man targets the rebellious former spokesperson for France Raquel Garrido. Rifle in hand, he explains “training to hunt wild Garrido” before firing, then firing a second time, evoking his companion, the LFI deputy Alexis Corbière.

In the same sequence, the man openly imagines himself shooting “anti-fas and leftists”, as well as people of North African origin. “There are Algerian and Moroccan flags, I saw there, so we will hasten to shoot,” he says.

A complaint filed by Corbière and Garrido, the video “condemned” by Zemmour

An investigation was opened on December 22 by the National Center for the Fight against Online Hate (PNLH) for “death threats and incitement to racial hatred” and entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP) .

Alexis Corbière and Raquel Garrido had filed a complaint.

During the hearing Wednesday, the interim cook highlighted his Moroccan origins and assured to have made “black humor”. He presented his “flat apologies” to Mrs. Garrido, present in the room, admitting to having “done badly”. “It gives me a lesson, we should not laugh at everything,” he said.

“The video was supposed to remain private between us,” added the soldier, “we didn’t want it to fall into the ears of victims”.

For his part, Raquel Garrido said he was “angry” vis-à-vis this request for a hearing.

In a statement published on December 22, Eric Zemmour had “condemned” these videos.


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