Kanye West candidate for President of the United States

The rapper announced that he was a candidate for the US presidential elections. Kanye West's statement had a thunderbolt on social media, and many are enjoying it.

On Saturday July 4, 2020, American National Day, Kanye West made an announcement that surprised more than one on Twitter. The 43-year-old rapper said he was a candidate in the US presidential election, which will take place on November 3. "We must fulfill the promises of the United States by having faith in God, by unifying our vision and by building our future. I am in the race to become President of the United States!", he simply tweeted, accompanied by the hashtag "2020 Vision". If he formalizes his candidacy, he will be opposed to Donald Trump, outgoing president of the Republican party, and Joe Biden, ex-vice-president of Barack Obama and democratic candidate.

If Kanye West didn't say another word about it, his friend Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and Space X, immediately brought him his "full support". This statement may have surprised, but it is not the first time that Kim Kardashian's husband has expressed his wishes to enter politics. In 2018, he declared that he was ready to run for the presidential election during an interview with Zane Lowe, of Apple Music's Beats 1 Show program. "I will be able to go 100%. (…) If I decide to do it, I will get there, I will not just try", he said then, saying: "The moment will come when I will be president of the United States".

A few weeks after making these statements, he met with Donald Trump and indicated that he wished "take this distance"with politics. His new turnaround did not fail to make Internet users laugh, some imagining Kim Kardashian replacing Melania Trump or Elon Musk as vice-president. Others worried about this announcement. If Kanye West does As one of those who have spoken out against police violence and racism in recent weeks, he has also made polemical comments in the past, claiming that slavery was "a choice", speaking out against abortion, had partnered with homophobic people, supported Trump, and supported men accused of sexual assault.

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Video by Anais Bertrand

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