“Kaulitz & Kaulitz”: This is what the official trailer for the Netflix series reveals

“Kaulitz & Kaulitz”
This is what the official trailer for the Netflix series reveals

Tokio Hotel stars Tom (right) and Bill Kaulitz gets their own Netflix series

© Netflix

“Quality time with Bill and Tom” is the announcement of the new Netflix series “Kaulitz & Kaulitz” – and how the On June 7, the official trailer for the series was released about the famous Kaulitz brothers, fans of the two Tokio Hotel stars will get their money’s worth from June 25th.

Mother Charlotte and Heidi Klum share secrets

The series documents the wild life of “Germany’s most famous twins” over a period of eight months and also provides exclusive insights into “their inner lives – childhood, career, family life”. Not only do the two brothers have their say, but their mother Charlotte and Tom’s wife Heidi Klum (51) also eagerly share secrets.

Bill as “MC Kaulitz from Hollywood”, Tom as family guy

The first trailer for “Kaulitz & Kaulitz” suggests that the series will not only offer interesting entertainment for fans of the former teen band Tokio Hotel. Following the shrill luxury and party life of the two dissimilar brothers in their adopted home of Los Angeles and witnessing their hilarious sibling squabbles works almost like a well-made sitcom. Bill plays the shrill “MC Kaulitz from Hollywood”, while Tom comes across as a down-to-earth family guy.

Kissing scenes with Heidi and Oktoberfest flirt Marc Eggers

The fact that Heidi Klum makes a prominent appearance in the trailer for the series – in which she gives her husband Tom a big kiss on the mouth – is one of the big surprises. The model had previously claimed that she hardly played a role in the series. Another piquant detail in the trailer is another kissing scene that takes place between Bill Kaulitz and his “Wiesn flirt” Marc Eggers (37) in the back seat of a limousine.


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