Keep your eyes open when buying bread: How good is bread from the discounter?

Tips for buying bread
How good is bread from discounters?

Not all bread is healthy…

© Andrey Burstein/Shutterstock

The Germans love their bread, either fresh and hand-made from the baker or pre-packaged from the supermarket. But can you get good bread at the discounter?

Admittedly, fresh bread is damn tasty and it is not without reason that it is one of the most popular foods in Germany. Whether for breakfast, dinner or as a snack in between, bread is a real all-rounder. But it also has its pitfalls – and these are already evident when you buy it. Because bread is not just bread. And not every bread is compatible with our stomach.

Is bread from the discounter unhealthy?

Anyone who buys their bread packaged in the supermarket or at the counter should reconsider their choice in the future, because industrial bread can harm our health. This is because this bread contains all sorts of additives that make the bread special rise quickly and speed up fermentation, but put unnecessary strain on the stomach.

The resting time has a decisive influence on the wholesomeness of the product. The longer the dough rests, the more digestible the bread will be. While bread rests for up to 24 hours at the baker’s, the rest time for mass production in companies is estimated at half an hour. In people with sensitive stomachs, the consequences can be abdominal pain and digestive problems.

Another point that makes industrial bread unhealthy: high-quality flour is not always used for mass production. The taste is balanced with other additives. These can trigger allergies and sometimes even damage the kidneys.

Discount Bakery vs. Artisan Bakery

Buying bread in the supermarket is practical because it can be easily combined with weekly shopping and is also inexpensive. Unfortunately, as is so often the case, practically does not automatically mean healthy. Instead of reaching for industrial bread, you should go to the baker you trust. A current study by the German Institute for Service Quality has shown which chains offer high-quality baked goods. “Malzers Backstube”, “Junge Die Bäckerei” and “Meisterbäckerei Steinecke” did best.

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