Kevin Spacey in court: ‘Romantic’ touching and consensual sex?

Kevin Spacey in court
“Romantic” touching and consensual sex?

Kevin Spacey appeared in court in London this Thursday.

© imago images/ZUMA Wire

Kevin Spacey has been accused of sexual assault. Now he explained that he had exchanged intimacies with two of the alleged victims.

Since the end of June, Kevin Spacey (63) to answer before a court in Great Britain against allegations of various sexual assaults. The actor testified in court on Thursday (July 13), denying the allegations. However, he reported “intimate” touches or consensual sex with two of the alleged victims.

A man who first testified against Spacey in the trial alleges that he “aggressively” grabbed his privates as he was being driven to a party in the early 2000s. “We enjoyed each other’s company,” Spacey explained according to “Deadline” outside London’s Southwark Crown Court. “We talked about a lot of things, it was very relaxed with him – a bit intimate.”

He said he touched the man, but not in a “violent, aggressive or painful” way, but in a “romantic” and “intimate” way. It didn’t get any further because the alleged victim “made it clear that he didn’t want to go any further, and that happens sometimes and you just respect how far someone wants to go”. The man was “funny, charming and flirtatious” and the two had a lot of fun together.

Spacey also denied another man’s allegation that he drugged and performed a sexual act on him while he slept. He explained that the statement made “no logical sense”. The two had consensual sex. “If he immediately regretted it, I don’t know, I can’t speak for him, but something was weird,” Spacey said. The man left his London apartment “in a hurry”.

Twelve cases in court

Spacey is accused of sexual assault against several men in 12 cases in a London court. The actor has pleaded not guilty to all charges. In July 2022, Spacey had already pleaded not guilty to five charges of assault against three men between 2005 and 2013 in London’s Old Bailey Court.

In another case in the United States, the actor won a legal victory in October 2022. His fellow actor Anthony Rapp (51) had accused him of sexually molesting him in 1986 when Rapp was 14 years old. The New York jury found Spacey not guilty.


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