Key witness confirms Charlotte Lewis rape charges


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Roman Polanski has always denied the accusations of Charlotte Lewis, who accuses him of having raped her. However, a key witness confirmed the claims of the British actress.

This is a case that continues to make headlines. Famous director Roman Polanski has been accused of “rape” and D'”sexual assault“by several women, including a Frenchwoman, Valentine Monnier. All these alleged victims testified, but the facts were prescribed. Nevertheless, the revelations of Charlotte Lewis during a press conference, which took place in 2010, have changed the situation. The British actress then accused Roman Polanski of rape, an event which would have taken place in Paris in 1983. If the director of “Pianist” has always denied these accusations, the words of Charlotte Lewis have also been discredited in a paper published in 1999 by News of the World. This article described the young woman as “a seductress“, as well as a “prostitute“, at the age of 14.

A description that did not at all match the image that the young woman sent back to that time, according to many friends of Charlotte Lewis. The Parisian collected testimonies from former relatives who all described: “a vulnerable teen, absolutely not a prostituteSeparately, a key witness, who was said to have been present the night of the assault, confirmed the rape charges against Charlotte Lewis. In May 2016, former model Karen Smith made a sworn statement describing the terrible incident. The two women reportedly had dinner with Roman Polanski, who allegedly offered to spend the night in the apartment adjacent to his. If Karen Smith went to bed, it was not until the next day that she discovered Charlotte in the bedroom. director’s room: “disheveled, very groggy, dizzy and struggling to stand on her feet. “The young woman would then have confided to him at that time to have been raped, as recounted The Parisian.

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Interviewed by the media, Karen Smith explained that she had written her testimony based on her diary she kept in 1983. In addition, the former model told the regional daily: “After that night Roman tried to get me away from Charlotte“. She nevertheless wanted to clarify that she had asked one of her friends to watch over Charlotte Lewis when she had obtained the role in” Pirates “and in particular of the”protect“from the director.

This story is making the headlines again as Roman Polanski will be tried for defamation. The director accused the actress of saying “whatever“.”What do I know? Frustration? We should question shrinks, scientists, historians, what do I know …“, he replied in an interview with Paris Match in 2019, which questioned him about Charlotte Lewis’ interest in lying. Following these remarks, the British actress, now 54 years old had filed defamation complaint and the filmmaker was indicted last July.

Solene Sablayrolles

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