King Charles: This will be his first “Trooping the Color” parade

After his coronation, the first “Trooping the Color” birthday parade for King Charles will take place on June 17, 2023.

He had already represented his mother in “Trooping the Color” last year, now King Charles, 74, can accept his first birthday parade. On Saturday, June 17, 2023, London is facing the next major royal event since the coronation on May 6th. Here you can find out what is behind the military parade and what will be different in 2023 than in the past 37 years.

King Charles: This is what happens on “Trooping the Color”

More than 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians honor the king and demonstrate their military precision in an impressive demonstration. The British monarch’s birthday has been celebrated with the military parade for more than 260 years, as the palace announces on its website. It was first executed in the 17th century under Charles II (1630-1685). The display of the flags in front of the ruler was intended to remind the Guard regiments of their special duty to him. The ceremony has been public since 1805.

The parade leads from Buckingham Palace along the London boulevard Mall to the large parade ground Horse Guards Parade in the government district of Westminster. Members of the royal family accompany the military parade on horseback and in a carriage. Each year, a different one of the five Guards regiments presents its flag, the so-called “King’s Colour”. This year it will be the “Welsh Guards”. Charles’ son Prince William, 40, is her honorary colonel.

Once Charles arrives at the parade ground, he is greeted with a royal salute and conducts an inspection of the troops. The soldiers wear the ceremonial red uniform and bearskin hats. After the military bands perform, the escorted flag is carried through the ranks of soldiers. The commanding officer of the parade uses more than 100 command words to direct the soldiers.

Once the foot guard has passed Charles, the parade heads back to Buckingham Palace. The royal family are there on the balcony to watch the Royal Air Force fly by. To mark the occasion, 41 gun salutes are fired in Green Park.

That is why the parade always takes place in June

Queen Elizabeth, † 96, had her birthday on April 21st, her son Charles on November 14th. But “Trooping the Color” is always celebrated in June, regardless of the dates. This was introduced by Edward VII, †68, who, like Charles, had his birthday in November. So that there is a chance of better weather for the open-air parade, he moved the event to early summer. Traditionally, “Trooping the Color” actually takes place on the second weekend in June; in 2023, the third weekend in June was exceptionally chosen.

Thousands of Royal fans are expected in London on June 17th. The parade starts at 11:00 a.m. German time and will last around one and a half hours. At 2:00 p.m. German time, the royal family should appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

The Queen had these peculiarities

“Trooping the Color” is considered one of the most important dates in the royal calendar. This year it will be a very special parade as for the first time it will not be for the Queen. The ceremony had been celebrated for her for 70 years. No British sovereign has attended more birthday parades than the Queen. In 2022, the parade was brought forward to June 2 to mark Queen Elizabeth’s 70th jubilee. This was exceptionally a Thursday when the British got an extra holiday. For the first time, the Queen had not led the parade, but had already delegated it to Charles. However, she greeted the troops from the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

There had already been changes to the parade in previous years due to the corona pandemic. In 2020 and 2021, for example, it took place in a greatly reduced form at Windsor Castle and not in London. The public was also excluded and could only watch via live transmission.

King Charles does that differently

Buckingham Palace has announced that the new king will take part in the military parade on horseback. It will be the first time in 37 years that a monarch will ride a horse in the parade. Because the Queen had given up after her favorite horse retired. The black mare Burmese had accompanied her at “Trooping the Color” and other ceremonial occasions for 18 years. From 1987 the Queen drove in a carriage. Charles is accompanied on horseback by Prince William, who took part in the practice parade last weekend.

In addition, it is expected that, as with the coronation, only “working royals” will be allowed to gather on the balcony. The British media therefore do not assume that Prince Harry, 38, and Duchess Meghan, 41, will travel to London. Prince Andrew, 63, will probably not be seen on the balcony either.

That could be difficult

As in Germany, it is also very hot in London these days. At the dress rehearsal on June 10, several guards collapsed as temperatures exceeded 30 degrees. Prince William acknowledged “difficult conditions” on the royals’ Instagram page, declaring: “A big thank you to every soldier who attended the colonel review in the heat this morning. Difficult conditions but you all have a really good one.” Job done. Thank you, thank you.” A total of more than 1,500 soldiers and 300 horses marched forward for inspection by Prince William during the rehearsal.

Prince William

Similar weather conditions will prevail on June 17th. 27 degrees are announced. This should be a real challenge for the soldiers in their uniforms and heavy bearskin hats.

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