Konstantin Kuhle in “Early Start”: “Germany is in the Crosshairs of Russian Espionage”

Konstantin Kuhle in “Early Start”
“Germany is in the crosshairs of Russian espionage”

“No isolated case” is the suspected case of espionage in the Bundeswehr, says FDP politician Kuhle in “ntv Frühstart. At the same time he attacks the AfD. One should not get used to the fact that an openly fascist party like the AfD has influence at any state level .

FDP politician Konstantin Kuhle assumes that the suspicion of espionage in the Bundeswehr procurement office is not a one-off event. “It is not an isolated case. We have already seen at the Federal Intelligence Service that there have been cases of Russian espionage in the security authorities,” said the deputy leader of his party in “ntv Frühstart”.

“Now another case has come to light and I can imagine that we will see more cases of Russian espionage in the coming months.” For a long time, Russia has been trying to influence the liberal democracies of the West. “Germany is in the crosshairs of Russian espionage, and we must not accept that, but must prepare much better for such cases.”

According to Kuhle, the election of the AfD politician Robert Stuhlmann as district administrator in Sonneberg, Thuringia, should not be explained as normal. “One must not get used to the fact that an openly fascist party like the AfD has influence at any state level,” said the FDP politician. “Especially in Thuringia, where the party is led by a right-wing extremist like Björn Höcke, who really has fascism in every pore.”

Industrial electricity price “cannot be done with FDP”

Nevertheless, the district administrator is democratically elected, and the problem is that in many regions of East Germany there are no longer democratic majorities because the AfD and the Left Party together achieve over 50 percent. “It’s a dramatic situation, but that’s the case in certain areas,” says Kuhle. “We need majorities in Germany without a fascist party. And we also need majorities in Germany, if possible, without having to rely on the Left Party.”

Kuhle rejects the state-subsidized industrial electricity price demanded by the Greens. “The proposed industrial electricity price could only be financed if the debt brake was abandoned. But Christian Lindner didn’t come up with the debt brake at breakfast, it’s in the Basic Law,” said the deputy parliamentary group leader, referring to the finance minister from his party.

It is in the interest of the children to burden future generations as little as possible. That is why the minister presented the Growth Opportunities Act, which will lead to relieving the burden on the economy. “To say in general, the big ones are now getting cheaper electricity and the smaller companies, the medium-sized companies, the trades are looking into the tube, that will not be possible with the FDP.”

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