Kool Savas: Rapper regrets sexist behavior and groupie sex

Kool Savas
Rapper regrets sexist behavior and groupie sex

Kool Savas regrets his behavior towards female fans in the past.

© Harry Huber/Shutterstock

In an interview, Kool Savas reflects on his past sexist behavior towards female fans and groupies.

Kool Savas (48) spoke about sexism in an interview and reflected on his own misconduct. According to “Spiegel”, several women complained to his label about the rapper. This is about sexist behavior and sexist comments, but not about physical attacks, said the “Spiegel”. “I realized a long time ago that I had been behaving badly for many years,” Kool Savas now admits in the conversation.

The rapper, whose real name is Savaş Yurderi, also reports about a former female fan who wrote to him on Instagram. Savas said she suffered for years from an insulting comment he made. He is said to have forbidden her to come with him after a concert because she was “too ugly”. He had now apologized to the woman for this. “And even if it sounds stupid. I’ve only now really understood what my behavior has sometimes caused.”

Sexist comments: Kool Savas wants to “apologize to everyone”

When the journalist asked why he said something like that, Savas replied: “To show off, to flex a little in front of my friends.” He added that he also acted this way “out of insecurity”. Today he is ashamed of his behavior, the rapper continued. If more women come forward after the conversation, then “I will apologize to each and every one of them.”

Being a father has also changed him: “I started thinking about masculinity, about how I treated women. And then I have to come to the conclusion: I made mistakes and I behaved absolutely incorrectly. I was an asshole. “

During the course of the conversation, Savas also assured that his misconduct was only about verbal gaffes and “selfish behavior” – there were no other allegations. He also explains his behavior today with the people around him at the time: “If everyone around you has the same mentality, at some point you’ll think that what you’re doing is normal.”

Groupies were “a faceless, nameless mass”

Savas is also critical of sex with groupies today. “For me, the fans who wanted sex with me were something like a faceless, nameless mass. It was sometimes like a notch in the bed. And yes, at some point everything was normal.” He stopped sleeping with groupies a long time ago and now finds it negligent to become intimate with fans. Kool Savas: “In the end, it’s an illusion to say that sex can be equal between a star and a groupie. Because one is on stage, the other adores you.”

In the interview, Savas also talks about his family history, trauma and depression, which have accompanied him for a long time. He had the latter treated through talk therapy. Today he is happier, also because he knows what makes him happy: “My son, my wife and my family.” Kool Savas continued that he will no longer go on tour and will only play concerts on weekends. “I just want to drive to my gigs alone, sleep in a hotel, perform and then drive back to my family.”


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