“Krone” heart man – new rubber dinghy for the young water rescuers

The water rescue team in Villach took first place at the “Krone” heartfelt gala.

The water rescuers from the Villach site went out on around 100 missions this year to help those in need. “But we also put a lot of focus on prevention work. Our motto is: From non-swimmers to swimmers and from swimmers to lifeguards!”, explains Wolfram Krenn, the site manager. 80 active members are involved in the emergency organization, including 40 young people. “We have a very good team spirit – especially between young people and adults!” says Laura Gamper, who has been with us for three years. New inflatable boat for young people The vouchers won will be invested in a new inflatable boat with an electric motor. “Because trained skippers are not always available!” says Krenn. In this way, the young people can also move out to a rescue operation.
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