Lagerkoller: The top ten corona issues that couples argue about

1. Can I still go for a walk / meet friends / invite my parents?

We all have our own way of dealing with rules and recommendations. And no, even couples don't go in step … Especially when very anxious and over-relaxed people live together in these times, the big RUMMS is not long in coming.

2. Is ordering pizza dangerous?

Some want to enjoy the last bit of freedom and strengthen the local economy, others are afraid of a possibly sick pizza maker or infected supplier. Classic.

3. Home office – yes or no?

Does it have to be that the partner still goes to work every day? Couldn't he even assert himself in terms of home office? These and so many questions about the place of work are being answered behind millions of doors these days … of course, absolutely matter-of-fact, because we are all so relaxed.

4. What else can the children do?

May Lukas still meet with Josch? Is it ok if the teen is dating the love of his life (after all, the teen says he has enough distance … muahahahaha)? How much cell phone time is ok? Are you going to give the children chocolate again? THIS CANNOT BE YOUR SERIOUS NOW !!!! So many unanswered questions and, above all, so much time spent raising parents. That nibbles on your nerves …

5. Is the clapping stupid at 8pm or appropriate?

Another popular topic … clapping every night. Does that bring to those who hold the position, what? Isn't that a bit silly? Or is it really important to show your solidarity? 100 people, 100 opinions …

6. Does Germany need a curfew?

Suddenly people are discussing politics again in German living rooms … maybe that's good news!

7. How much information do people need?

While one inhales press conferences, news, disturbing videos from Italy and the current status of the infection curve, the other is satisfied with a brief look at the current situation in the evening … No problem, as long as "one" does not "with the other "lives together.

8. How do we organize the day?

The more people are at home, the more explosives this question offers …

9. Do all the fun videos have to be?

Germany (and many a couple) shares this question: Is it really necessary to send 100 Corona Fun videos around every day? A "Look, honey, how funny" sentence can be the drop that overflows the patience barrel …

10. Who can shop?

Last but not least: Who can (rarely, but also possible: who must) go shopping. In times when your own blanket falls on your head in the Samba rhythm, shopping is a really important question. How should one write "everything that is totally unnecessary, but smiles blissfully at me from the shelf and" PLEASE BUY ME, I MAKE YOU DICK AND HAPPY "on a shopping list ???